what to expect ~

the journey to motherhood and familyhood is an initiation, sometimes it is a rough initiation and even when it’s easeful, it requires care. the work we do together can encompass all aspects of health including fertility challenges, pregnancy and postpartum care, chronic illness, autoimmune disorders, mystery symptoms, injury recovery, day to day stressed, colds and viruses, first fevers, digestive development & sleep disturbances - while we hold the center of becoming (a parent, a family, a growing human) as our most important task.

this treatment path is appropriate for women & families that are aware of our need as a species to do things differently, those questioning what modernity has offered us as a backdrop of life and deciding to look at health, family, community and living from a more conscious lens. it does not matter how you arrive - the paths are many; from living an over-worked, over-stressed, life or living in a highly sensitive body or through the ordeals that life has put in your path. what matters is your desire and willingness to be alive and well, caring for yourself, others and earth in a whole and true way.

it is best for us to begin our healing relationship in person. our recommendation is that you come into the studio in Kingston, NY to establish the foundation of our work together. once we have begun our work, it is possible and common to use telehealth, emailing and phone consultations for continued support through geographic changes and during travel.

below, you can read an extensive list of health states that can be radically shifted with regular acupuncture & care.  the work we do together will spill out into your life as you learn new skills and perspectives of care. please feel welcomed to contact us for questions about your specific health & life needs.

material we are invited to touch ~

    • menarche education & care

    • fertility support

    • pregnancy care

    • labor induction

    • postpartum / 4th trimester care

    • grief, rage, elation & confusion

    • perimenopause & menopausal care

    • second spring

    • new parenthood support

    • caregiver support

    • new baby and children’s health & well visits

    • divorce & separation support

    • reimagining family & community support

    • acute and chronic pain

    • insomnia

    • anxiety

    • grief

    • exhaustion

    • acute illness recovery

    • sinus congestion

    • headaches & migraines

    • dreams work

    • trauma

    • mother lover

    • circles of care

    • parent support

    • reimagining family, community and the roles & support of the mother and other care givers

    • grief care and support