alchemical healing


what is Alchemical Healing ~ 

Alchemical Healing is, quite literally, containment and heat.  it is the movement and transformation that becomes available when “more than one” come together to create a space meant for touching material that is in need of attention and care. together, we churn, stir and light up what feels heaviest and most troubling - changing it over time into a golden honey that heals wounds, lights shadows and moves what’s been previously fixed into place. this can feel like removing a bolder that’s been stubbornly set between old versions of ourselves and the personal evolutions wanting to be called forward. it can also feel like many micro rebirths, reclaiming liberation, joy and connection with the entire world.

why Alchemical Healing in important in my practice ~

my practice centers women, mothers and families. because of this focus, and because of the over-culture within which we abide, i encounter invisibility, marginalization and under processed experiences of initiation in adults and an unmet need of being with-nessed in children.  Alchemical Healing makes space for the experiences of life that have been pushed away to the edges to find their place in the center - in the sunshine of deserved attention.  Alchemical Healing allows the essential need of the soul, growth through digestion, to occur within the containment of embodied care.  when this digestion takes place, and especially when it is with-nessed, our oldest patterns of stuckness can dissolve into energy flowing towards integration. we are able to be wholly who we are meant to be in our lives and in the world. we become the medicine that is most needed. 

what Alchemical Healing offers my patients and clients ~  

Alchemical Healing offers an legacy of connection with each of our internal, earthly and cosmic guides. these energies, images, dreams and messages can become our greatest allies and our spirited inspiration to live the life we desire most deeply - one of connection, truth and growth.